It’s been more than three months since my last article roundup. One of the reasons I’ve been putting this off is because I’ve been meaning to give my entire site an overhaul. When I put it together four years ago, I deliberately went with a minimal, back-to-basics, image-light theme. But it’s always struck me as a bit sloppy (for example, I could never find a suitable default font) and in need of better portfolio presentation. Someday soon I’ll give it a much needed refresh.
Here are the articles and projects from the last few months. I’ve almost certainly overlooked a few.
- “Creative License,” an article on Window Dressings’ visual interpretations of novels by Get Lit! festival authors (Inlander, April 16)
- “Knickers in a Twist,” a preview of Ignite! Community Theater’s staging of Steve Martin’s The Underpants (Inlander, April 23)
- A preview of The Music Man at Spokane Civic Theatre (Inlander, May 14)
- Around this point (mid-May) I started doing quite a bit of ongoing unbylined writing for PrinterLogic, a Utah-based company with a really phenomenal enterprise print management solution that can either complement print servers or replace them altogether.
- “Jet Fretter,” a review of Boeing Boeing at The Modern Spokane (Inlander, May 21)
- Somewhere around here (late May, early June) I translated several articles for the book A Star is born [sic] commemorating the new Mercedes-AMG GT from the publisher Delius Klasing. During this time I also translated the entirety of Driving Performance Magazine that Delius Klasing produces for AMG. Andrea Toenjes of transletta was an invaluable second pair of eyes on this project.
- A review of The Church’s album Further/Deeper (Ink 19, June 16)
- A review of Neil LaBute’s Reasons to Be Happy at The Modern Spokane (Inlander, June 18)
- “School’s Out,” a profile of the improv troupe The Ditch Kids (Inlander, June 25)
- “Wet Sounds,” a review of Coeur d’Alene Summer Theater’s production of Singin’ in the Rain (Inlander, July 16)
- “Spokane Style,” the accompanying text to a photoessay on Spokane architecture (Inlander, July 23)